Client Background:

Fusion Lifestyle, a major UK leisure operator, faced the challenge of transitioning from outsourcing their cleaning services to a more efficient in-house approach. The objective was to guide their staff members to take charge of cleaning their leisure facilities, ensuring a more personalised and effective solution.

The Challenge:

Fusion Lifestyle sought a comprehensive cleaning solution that not only streamlined the ordering process for cleaning products but also included thorough support for on-site staff members. The need for a centralised ordering system, effective training, and hands-on demonstrations of cleaning equipment were critical aspects of this transition.

Commark's Solution:

Online Ordering Portal:
Commark addressed Fusion Lifestyle's needs by creating a user-friendly online ordering portal. This centralised platform enabled on-site teams to easily order all necessary cleaning products from one convenient location, enhancing efficiency and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Site Surveys:
  • Commark conducted detailed site surveys to understand the specific requirements of each leisure facility. This ensured that Fusion Lifestyle received tailored product recommendations, optimising the effectiveness of their cleaning solution.
Cleaning Schedules:
Recognising the importance of providing ongoing support, Commark developed customised cleaning schedules. These schedules served as a valuable resource for Fusion Lifestyle's staff, helping them maintain a structured and efficient cleaning routine.
Training Roadshows:
Commark organised roadshows across the UK to facilitate comprehensive training for Fusion Lifestyle's staff. These roadshows covered essential aspects such as proper usage of cleaning chemicals and navigating the online ordering portal. The goal was to guide and inspire the teams with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful transition.
On-Site Demonstrations:
Commark went the extra mile by conducting on-site demonstrations of the cleaning equipment offered. This hands-on approach ensured that Fusion Lifestyle's staff were not only familiar with the products but also confident in their effective use.


The collaboration between Fusion Lifestyle and Commark resulted in a seamless transition from outsourced cleaning to an empowered in-house solution. The online ordering portal streamlined the procurement process, and the customised support, including cleaning schedules and training roadshows, contributed to increased operational efficiency. Fusion Lifestyle's staff now have the tools, knowledge and ongoing support needed to maintain a high standard of cleanliness across their leisure facilities. Commark's commitment to understanding their client's unique needs and providing tailored solutions has proven instrumental in the success of this transition. This case study showcases how Commark's innovative approach and commitment to client satisfaction can lead to transformative outcomes, even in complex operational changes.

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